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Life completes itself with a "passage of testimony," as if from a run of messengers it is all about.
 Mary was an inhabitant of the Intendant. The apartment in which she lived, would be as she left it at the exact moment her heart betrayed her, had it not been vandalized. The dishes have not been washed yet, and the alarm clock continues at the appointed time to wake up. The children took the household appliances, leaving behind the family life story, recorded in letters and photographs that Maria accumulated throughout her life. The apartment is for sale, and all that accumulation of past was on the way to the trash.
The project was to reconnect the past with the future. Not only to give Mary's memories a way, but also to question the public about what we should build during our short journey through the world.
For this I spent a week in this house reading letters and seeing pictures and looking for relationships between them.
Who was the family photographer? Who was the brother who died with cancer and who made Mary question the Christian faith? Would not this questioning be done when the heart failed and a pacemaker returned the life that had been programmed?

I photographed the house and some places where they will stop those objects that are behind with the death of those who used them. I gathered the images of Maria's past and her belongings, I set up the exhibition with photographs and the installation of objects through space, as if it were a museum, the Maria do Intendente museum.

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